What is music?
How does sound differ from music? Sound can be pleasant and unpleasant. Unpleasant sounds around us are called noise, even if it is produced by a musical instrument. For example, the sound was irregular, without an order and rhythm so it was not pleasing to hear so it is called noise.
Noisy sound causes discomfort to the ears while music is pleasing to the ears. However, if music becomes too loud it is considered noise.
Music is an organized pattern of sound and silence.

Music is all around us. Can you imagine a world without music? Music is part of our life and is an art of communication. In its rhythmic patterns of sounds and silences, one can communicate various feelings and moods for any occasion. Every country in the world has its own special kind of music. Each kind is different and tells us about the place it comes from and what is happening in life at that place. Music is a common language of mankind. It is one of the oldest forms of communication. It is a means of transmitting the thoughts of people not met by other means of communication. As a universal language, it is read, written and spoken by people all over the world. It uses symbols, words and numbers from its vocabulary. Just as you read sentences in English, music is read from left to right. In order to learn the language of music, musicians and composers memorize musical symbols and ideas, practice playing and singing alone and in groups, and study different musical forms and structures. As a powerful communication of thoughts and feelings, music transcends language, since its effect does not depend upon words. It is an artistic expression that can convey emotion or feeling. It can be used for recreation, to uplift one's soul and release it, to describe people, places, memories or animals that words can't and allows people to be creative and it offers more life to them.
Not all sound is music.
What separates music from other sounds?
- Music is planned, organized and meaningful.
- Music occurs in a specified space of time
- Ceremonial - performed for celebrations, worship or special occasion. It is used for ritualistic, celebratory and commemoration purposes.
- Recreational - performed for entertainment or as a means of diversion to support recreational activities, e.g., dances, social gatherings, festivals, or social events.
- Artistic Expression - used to communicate emotion, feeling, ideas or information (narrative).