Wednesday 7 September 2016

Sound and Timbre - Elements of Music


  • Timbre - the unique quality of a musical sound in a voice or instrument.

  • Rhythm - the organization of music in time using long and short sounds and silences.

  • Expressive Techniques:
    • Tempo - the speed of the beat or the "rate of speed"
  • Dynamics - the loudness or softness of a musical sound

  • Articulation - how each note is attacked, sustained and released.
  • Stylistic Indications - advise on how to play the music

  • Melody A melody is a series of pitches sounding one after the other, i.e., the tune of a song.

  • Harmony - two or more pitches sounding at the same time
  • Texture - the layers of music

  • Form - a musical plan
Strophic form

Binary form

Ternary form

Round form

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