Wednesday 12 October 2016

Rhythm - Beats

Do you know how to feel your heartbeat? Place the first two fingers of either hand on the left or right front of your neck and you will feel your heartbeat. This steady heartbeat is also called you pulse. Each pulse of your heart is called a beat.

Music has a steady pulse, too. Just like your heart, each pulse of music is called a beat.

Tap your fingers on you desk with a steady bear. Follow the notes below with each tap. Each quarter note gets one tap of your fingers. On this staff each quarter note gets one beat.
Now tap it again, but this time, tap a little louder on the first note in each measure.
In the example above, there are four quarter note beats in each measureHalf notes and eighth notes can be used as a beat, too.

There are three half note beats in these measures.
There are six eighth note beats in these measures.
Rests can be beats, too. Tap each of these notes, but don’t tap the rests.
Feel the pulse of the beat for the rest, but don’t tap it.

The beat:
1. Is a  regular, reoccurring, steady pulse.
2. Enables counting or keeping time.
3. Causes the listener to tap his/her foot, clap his/her hands or move his/her body in the time with the beat.
4. Provides foundation for rhythm.

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