Saturday 21 January 2017

Melody - The Bass Clef

The bass clef is the second most common clef. What letter do you think the bass clef used to be? The bass clef used to be the Gothic letter “F”. It is also called the “F clef” because it shows where the note “F” is on the staff by starting on the F line, as well as, the dots above and below the fourth line “F”.

Bass Clef Transitions
Bass clefs are used for instruments with a low sound. Some of them are: tuba, cello, double bass, trombone, bassoon, and electric bass.

How to Draw a Bass Clef Properly
Step #1 – Draw a black dot on line #4 of the staff. (Remember to fill this dot in!)

Step #2 – Draw half of a heart, curling up to line #5 and ending in space #1. (Remember – do not go to or through line #1!)

Step #3 – Draw a black dot in space #3 and a black dot in space #4. (Remember to fill these dots in too!)

To help remember the lines of the bass staff we say: Good Boy Does Fine Always.
To help remember the spaces of the bass staff we say: All Cows Eat Gas.

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