A tie is a curved
line which connects two notes of the same pitch.
Tied notes are played as one note. The second note is not played. The rhythmic value is the
sum of the two notes.
A tie should also be written on the opposite side from the stems.
Right way |
Wrong way |
Tied Notes and its Duration | |
Tied Notes | Duration |
half note + quarter note | = held for 3 beats |
half note + eighth note | = held for 2 1/2 beats |
quarter note + quarter note | = held for 2 beats |
quarter note + eighth note | = held for 1 1/2 beats |
eighth note + eighth note | = held for 1 beat |
Sometimes you will find a tie on the last note of a line, when this happens, we draw half the tie over the last note, and the other half over the first note of the next line.
Although a line apart, they are joined with the two half's of a tie.